58-62 Polo Flat Road COOMA NSW 2630
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Your first blog post!

Welcome to your blog! A blog is a great place to share details on your products, business and whatever else you think your shoppers might like to hear from you. You can include photos in your blog posts and even videos. For ideas and inspiration on how to structure your blog, take a look at the Bigcommerce ecommerce blog.How can I delete this post?To delete this post and add your own, login to your admin area, click the Content tab at the top of the screen and choose Blog.Powered by BigcommerceYour website, online store and blog are powered by Bigcommerce ecommerce software. It includes everything you need to run a beautiful online store inc

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 2:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am - 1:00pm

Give us a call:

02- 64521736

Find us at:

58-62 Polo Flat Road COOMA NSW 2630

We're happy to answer questions. Please fill out the form below if you need assistance,
we will get back to you soon.

Click for an Online Quote

Do you need us to quote you on products for your job or project? Or would you like to place an order for fibre cement, timber, decking, hardware or adhesives or building materials? Just fill in this form and we will get a quote confirmation back to you fast.


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